Source code for thelper.draw

"""Drawing/display utilities module.

These functions currently rely on OpenCV and/or matplotlib.
import itertools
import logging
import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import cv2 as cv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch

import thelper.typedefs  # noqa: F401

    from typing import Any, AnyStr, List, Optional  # noqa: F401

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

warned_generic_draw = False

[docs]def safe_crop(image, tl, br, bordertype=cv.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderval=0, force_copy=False): """Safely crops a region from within an image, padding borders if needed. Args: image: the image to crop (provided as a numpy array). tl: a tuple or list specifying the (x,y) coordinates of the top-left crop corner. br: a tuple or list specifying the (x,y) coordinates of the bottom-right crop corner. bordertype: border copy type to use when the image is too small for the required crop size. See ``cv2.copyMakeBorder`` for more information. borderval: border value to use when the image is too small for the required crop size. See ``cv2.copyMakeBorder`` for more information. force_copy: defines whether to force a copy of the target image region even when it can be avoided. Returns: The cropped image. """ if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray): raise AssertionError("expected input image to be numpy array") if isinstance(tl, tuple): tl = list(tl) if isinstance(br, tuple): br = list(br) if not isinstance(tl, list) or not isinstance(br, list): raise AssertionError("expected tl/br coords to be provided as tuple or list") if tl[0] < 0 or tl[1] < 0 or br[0] > image.shape[1] or br[1] > image.shape[0]: image = cv.copyMakeBorder(image, max(-tl[1], 0), max(br[1] - image.shape[0], 0), max(-tl[0], 0), max(br[0] - image.shape[1], 0), borderType=bordertype, value=borderval) if tl[0] < 0: br[0] -= tl[0] tl[0] = 0 if tl[1] < 0: br[1] -= tl[1] tl[1] = 0 return image[tl[1]:br[1], tl[0]:br[0], ...] if force_copy: return np.copy(image[tl[1]:br[1], tl[0]:br[0], ...]) return image[tl[1]:br[1], tl[0]:br[0], ...]
[docs]def get_bgr_from_hsl(hue, sat, light): """Converts a single HSL triplet (0-360 hue, 0-1 sat & lightness) into an 8-bit RGB triplet.""" # this function is not intended for fast conversions; use OpenCV's cvtColor for large-scale stuff if hue < 0 or hue > 360: raise AssertionError("invalid hue") if sat < 0 or sat > 1: raise AssertionError("invalid saturation") if light < 0 or light > 1: raise AssertionError("invalid lightness") if sat == 0: return (int(np.clip(round(light * 255), 0, 255)),) * 3 if light == 0: return 0, 0, 0 if light == 1: return 255, 255, 255 def h2rgb(_p, _q, _t): if _t < 0: _t += 1 if _t > 1: _t -= 1 if _t < 1 / 6: return _p + (_q - _p) * 6 * _t if _t < 1 / 2: return _q if _t < 2 / 3: return _p + (_q - _p) * (2 / 3 - _t) * 6 return _p q = light * (1 + sat) if (light < 0.5) else light + sat - light * sat p = 2 * light - q h = hue / 360 return (int(np.clip(round(h2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3) * 255), 0, 255)), int(np.clip(round(h2rgb(p, q, h) * 255), 0, 255)), int(np.clip(round(h2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3) * 255), 0, 255)))
[docs]def get_displayable_image(image, # type: thelper.typedefs.ArrayType grayscale=False, # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> thelper.typedefs.ArrayType """Returns a 'displayable' image that has been normalized and padded to three channels.""" if image.ndim != 3: raise AssertionError("indexing should return a pre-squeezed array") if image.shape[2] == 2: image = np.dstack((image, image[:, :, 0])) elif image.shape[2] > 3: image = image[..., :3] if grayscale and image.shape[2] != 1: image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) elif not grayscale and image.shape[2] == 1: image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) image_normalized = np.empty_like(image, dtype=np.uint8).copy() # copy needed here due to ocv 3.3 bug cv.normalize(image, image_normalized, 0, 255, cv.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv.CV_8U) return image_normalized
[docs]def get_displayable_heatmap(array, # type: thelper.typedefs.ArrayType convert_rgb=True, # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> thelper.typedefs.ArrayType """Returns a 'displayable' array that has been min-maxed and mapped to color triplets.""" if array.ndim != 2: array = np.squeeze(array) if array.ndim != 2: raise AssertionError("indexing should return a pre-squeezed array") array_normalized = np.empty_like(array, dtype=np.uint8).copy() # copy needed here due to ocv 3.3 bug cv.normalize(array, array_normalized, 0, 255, cv.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv.CV_8U) heatmap = cv.applyColorMap(array_normalized, cv.COLORMAP_JET) if convert_rgb: heatmap = cv.cvtColor(heatmap, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return heatmap
[docs]def draw_histogram(data, # type: thelper.typedefs.ArrayType bins=50, # type: Optional[int] xlabel="", # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.LabelType] ylabel="Proportion", # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.LabelType] show=False, # type: Optional[bool] block=False, # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> thelper.typedefs.DrawingType """Draws and returns a histogram figure using pyplot.""" fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(data, density=True, bins=bins) if len(ylabel) > 0: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if len(xlabel) > 0: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_xlim(xmin=0) if show: if block: return fig plt.pause(0.5) return fig, ax
[docs]def draw_popbars(labels, # type: thelper.typedefs.LabelList counts, # type: int xlabel="", # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.LabelType] ylabel="Pop. Count", # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.LabelType] show=False, # type: Optional[bool] block=False, # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> thelper.typedefs.DrawingType """Draws and returns a bar histogram figure using pyplot.""" fig, ax = plt.subplots() xrange = range(len(labels)), counts, align="center") if len(ylabel) > 0: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if len(xlabel) > 0: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_xticks(xrange) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize="8", labelrotation=45) if show: if block: return fig plt.pause(0.5) return fig, ax
[docs]def draw_pascalvoc_curve(metrics, size_inch=(5, 5), dpi=160, show=False, block=False): """Draws and returns a precision-recall curve according to pascalvoc metrics.""" # note: the 'metrics' must correspond to a single class output produced by pascalvoc evaluator assert isinstance(metrics, dict), "unexpected metrics format" class_name = metrics["class_name"] assert isinstance(class_name, str), "unexpected class name type" iou_threshold = metrics["iou_threshold"] assert 0 < iou_threshold <= 1, "invalid intersection over union value (should be in ]0,1])" method = metrics["eval_method"] assert method in ["all-points", "11-points"], "invalid method (should be 'all-points' or '11-points')" fig = plt.figure(num="pr", figsize=size_inch, dpi=dpi, facecolor="w", edgecolor="k") fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(metrics["recall"], metrics["precision"], label=f"{class_name} (AP={metrics['AP'] * 100:.2f}%)") ax.set_xlabel("recall") ax.set_ylabel("precision") ax.set_title(f"PascalVOC PR Curve @ {iou_threshold} IoU") ax.legend(loc="upper right") ax.grid() fig.set_tight_layout(True) if show: if block: return fig plt.pause(0.5) return fig, ax
[docs]def draw_images(images, # type: thelper.typedefs.OneOrManyArrayType captions=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] redraw=None, # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.DrawingType] show=True, # type: Optional[bool] block=False, # type: Optional[bool] use_cv2=True, # type: Optional[bool] cv2_flip_bgr=True, # type: Optional[bool] img_shape=None, # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.ArrayShapeType] max_img_size=None, # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.ArrayShapeType] grid_size_x=None, # type: Optional[int] grid_size_y=None, # type: Optional[int] caption_opts=None, window_name=None, # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> thelper.typedefs.DrawingType """Draws a set of images with optional captions.""" nb_imgs = len(images) if isinstance(images, list) else images.shape[0] if nb_imgs < 1: return None assert captions is None or len(captions) == nb_imgs, "captions count mismatch with image count" # for display on typical monitors... (height, width) max_img_size = (800, 1600) if max_img_size is None else max_img_size grid_size_x = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(nb_imgs))) if grid_size_x is None else grid_size_x grid_size_y = int(math.ceil(nb_imgs / grid_size_x)) if grid_size_y is None else grid_size_y assert grid_size_x * grid_size_y >= nb_imgs, f"bad gridding for subplots (need at least {nb_imgs} tiles)" if use_cv2: if caption_opts is None: caption_opts = { "org": (10, 40), "fontFace": cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, "fontScale": 0.40, "color": (255, 255, 255), "thickness": 1, "lineType": cv.LINE_AA } if window_name is None: window_name = "images" img_grid_shape = None img_grid = None if redraw is None else redraw[1] for img_idx in range(nb_imgs): image = images[img_idx] if isinstance(images, list) else images[img_idx, ...] if img_shape is None: img_shape = image.shape if img_grid_shape is None: img_grid_shape = (img_shape[0] * grid_size_y, img_shape[1] * grid_size_x, img_shape[2]) if img_grid is None or img_grid.shape != img_grid_shape: img_grid = np.zeros(img_grid_shape, dtype=np.uint8) if image.shape[2] != img_shape[2]: raise AssertionError(f"unexpected image depth ({image.shape[2]} vs {img_shape[2]})") if image.shape != img_shape: image = cv.resize(image, (img_shape[1], img_shape[0]), interpolation=cv.INTER_NEAREST) if captions is not None and str(captions[img_idx]): image = cv.putText(image.copy(), str(captions[img_idx]), **caption_opts) offsets = (img_idx // grid_size_x) * img_shape[0], (img_idx % grid_size_x) * img_shape[1] np.copyto(img_grid[offsets[0]:(offsets[0] + img_shape[0]), offsets[1]:(offsets[1] + img_shape[1]), :], image) win_name = str(window_name) if redraw is None else redraw[0] if img_grid is not None: display = img_grid[..., ::-1] if cv2_flip_bgr else img_grid if display.shape[0] > max_img_size[0] or display.shape[1] > max_img_size[1]: if display.shape[0] / max_img_size[0] > display.shape[1] / max_img_size[1]: dsize = (max_img_size[0], int(round(display.shape[1] / (display.shape[0] / max_img_size[0])))) else: dsize = (int(round(display.shape[0] / (display.shape[1] / max_img_size[1]))), max_img_size[1]) display = cv.resize(display, (dsize[1], dsize[0])) if show: cv.imshow(win_name, display) cv.waitKey(0 if block else 1) return win_name, img_grid else: fig, axes = redraw if redraw is not None else plt.subplots(grid_size_y, grid_size_x) if nb_imgs == 1: axes = np.array(axes) for ax_idx, ax in enumerate(axes.reshape(-1)): if ax_idx < nb_imgs: image = images[ax_idx] if isinstance(images, list) else images[ax_idx, ...] if image.shape != img_shape: image = cv.resize(image, (img_shape[1], img_shape[0]), interpolation=cv.INTER_NEAREST) ax.imshow(image, interpolation='nearest') if captions is not None and str(captions[ax_idx]): ax.set_xlabel(str(captions[ax_idx])) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) fig.set_tight_layout(True) if show: if block: return None plt.pause(0.5) return fig, axes
[docs]def draw_predicts(images, preds=None, targets=None, swap_channels=False, redraw=None, block=False, **kwargs): """Draws and returns a set of generic prediction results.""" image_list = [get_displayable_image(images[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(images.shape[0])] image_gray_list = [cv.cvtColor(cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) for image in image_list] nb_imgs = len(image_list) caption_list = [""] * nb_imgs grid_size_x, grid_size_y = nb_imgs, 1 # all images on one row, by default (add gt and preds as extra rows) if targets is not None: if not isinstance(targets, list) and not (isinstance(targets, torch.Tensor) and targets.shape[0] == nb_imgs): raise AssertionError("expected targets to be in list or tensor format (Bx...)") if isinstance(targets, list): if all([isinstance(t, list) for t in targets]): targets = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(targets)) # merge all augmented lists together targets =, 0) # merge all masks into a single tensor if targets.shape[0] != nb_imgs: raise AssertionError("images/targets count mismatch") targets = targets.numpy() if swap_channels: if not targets.ndim == 4: raise AssertionError("unexpected swap for targets tensor that is not 4-dim") targets = np.transpose(targets, (0, 2, 3, 1)) # BxCxHxW to BxHxWxC if ((targets.ndim == 4 and targets.shape[1] == 1) or targets.ndim == 3) and targets.shape[-2:] == images.shape[1:3]: target_list = [get_displayable_heatmap(targets[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(nb_imgs)] target_list = [cv.addWeighted(image_gray_list[idx], 0.3, target_list[idx], 0.7, 0) for idx in range(nb_imgs)] image_list += target_list caption_list += [""] * nb_imgs grid_size_y += 1 elif targets.shape == images.shape: image_list += [get_displayable_image(targets[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(nb_imgs)] caption_list += [""] * nb_imgs grid_size_y += 1 else: for idx in range(nb_imgs): caption_list[idx] = f"GT={str(targets[idx])}" if preds is not None: if not isinstance(preds, list) and not (isinstance(preds, torch.Tensor) and preds.shape[0] == nb_imgs): raise AssertionError("expected preds to be in list or tensor shape (Bx...)") if isinstance(preds, list): if all([isinstance(p, list) for p in preds]): preds = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(preds)) # merge all augmented lists together preds =, 0) # merge all preds into a single tensor if preds.shape[0] != nb_imgs: raise AssertionError("images/preds count mismatch") preds = preds.numpy() if swap_channels: if not preds.ndim == 4: raise AssertionError("unexpected swap for targets tensor that is not 4-dim") preds = np.transpose(preds, (0, 2, 3, 1)) # BxCxHxW to BxHxWxC if targets is not None and preds.shape != targets.shape: raise AssertionError("preds/targets shape mismatch") if ((preds.ndim == 4 and preds.shape[1] == 1) or preds.ndim == 3) and preds.shape[-2:] == images.shape[1:3]: pred_list = [get_displayable_heatmap(preds[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(nb_imgs)] pred_list = [cv.addWeighted(image_gray_list[idx], 0.3, pred_list[idx], 0.7, 0) for idx in range(nb_imgs)] image_list += pred_list caption_list += [""] * nb_imgs grid_size_y += 1 elif preds.shape == images.shape: image_list += [get_displayable_image(preds[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(nb_imgs)] caption_list += [""] * nb_imgs grid_size_y += 1 else: for idx in range(nb_imgs): if len(caption_list[idx]) != 0: caption_list[idx] += ", " caption_list[idx] = f"Pred={str(preds[idx])}" return draw_images(image_list, captions=caption_list, redraw=redraw, window_name="predictions", block=block, grid_size_x=grid_size_x, grid_size_y=grid_size_y, **kwargs)
[docs]def draw_segments(images, preds=None, masks=None, color_map=None, redraw=None, block=False, segm_threshold=None, target_class=None, target_threshold=None, swap_channels=False, return_images=False, **kwargs): """Draws and returns a set of segmentation results.""" if swap_channels: if images.ndim != 4: raise AssertionError("unexpected swap for images tensor that is not 4-dim (BxCxHxW -> BxHxWxC)") if preds is not None: if preds.ndim != 4 or images.shape[2] != preds.shape[2] or images.shape[3] != preds.shape[3]: raise AssertionError("unexpected predictions tensor is not of 4D format (BxCxHxW) matching images") if masks is not None: if masks.ndim == 4 and images.shape[2] == masks.shape[2] and images.shape[3] == masks.shape[3]: masks = np.transpose(masks, (0, 2, 3, 1)).squeeze(axis=3) elif masks.ndim == 3 and images.shape[2] == masks.shape[1] and images.shape[3] == masks.shape[2]: pass # already ordered correctly else: raise AssertionError("unexpected swap for masks tensor that isn't 3D or 4D (BxCxHxW or BxHxW -> BxHxW)") # swap images last even though we checked it first to make indices easier to understand against preds/masks images = np.transpose(images, (0, 2, 3, 1)) image_list = [get_displayable_image(images[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(images.shape[0])] preds_list = [] masks_list = [] stack_list = [img for img in image_list] image_gray_list = [cv.cvtColor(cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) for image in image_list] nb_imgs = len(image_list) grid_size_x, grid_size_y = nb_imgs, 1 # all images on one row, by default (add gt and preds as extra rows) if color_map is not None and isinstance(color_map, dict): assert len(color_map) <= 256, "too many indices for uint8 map" use_alpha = all([isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and val.dtype in (np.float32, np.float64) for val in color_map.values()]) color_map_new = np.zeros((256, 1, 3), dtype=np.float32 if use_alpha else np.uint8) for idx, val in color_map.items(): color_map_new[idx, ...] = val color_map = color_map_new if masks is not None: if not isinstance(masks, list) and not (isinstance(masks, torch.Tensor) and masks.dim() == 3): if isinstance(masks, torch.Tensor) and masks.dim() == 4 \ and masks.shape[0] == images.shape[0] and masks.shape[1] == 1: masks = masks.squeeze(axis=1) else: raise AssertionError("expected segmentation masks to be in list or 3-d tensor format (BxHxW)") if isinstance(masks, list): if all([isinstance(m, list) for m in masks]): masks = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(masks)) # merge all augmented lists together masks =, 0) # merge all masks into a single tensor if masks.shape[0] != nb_imgs: raise AssertionError("images/masks count mismatch") if images.shape[0:3] != masks.shape: raise AssertionError("images/masks shape mismatch") masks = masks.numpy() if color_map is not None: masks = [apply_color_map(masks[idx], color_map) for idx in range(masks.shape[0])] masks_list = [cv.addWeighted(image_gray_list[idx], 0.3, masks[idx], 0.7, 0) if masks[idx].dtype == np.uint8 else (image_list[idx] * masks[idx]).astype(np.uint8) for idx in range(nb_imgs)] stack_list += masks_list grid_size_y += 1 if preds is not None: if not isinstance(preds, list) and not (isinstance(preds, torch.Tensor) and preds.dim() == 4): raise AssertionError("expected segmentation preds to be in list or 4-d tensor format (BxCxHxW)") if isinstance(preds, list): if all([isinstance(p, list) for p in preds]): preds = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(preds)) # merge all augmented lists together preds =, 0) # merge all preds into a single tensor with torch.no_grad(): if target_class is not None: assert isinstance(target_class, int), "target class should be index (integer)" assert isinstance(target_threshold, float), "target threshold should be float" assert 0 < target_threshold < 1, "target threshold should be in [0,1]" preds_softmax = torch.nn.functional.softmax(preds, dim=1) preds = (preds_softmax[:, target_class, ...] > target_threshold).long() else: preds = torch.squeeze(preds.topk(k=1, dim=1)[1], dim=1) # keep top prediction index only if preds.shape[0] != nb_imgs: raise AssertionError("images/preds count mismatch") if images.shape[0:3] != preds.shape: raise AssertionError("images/preds shape mismatch") preds = preds.numpy() if color_map is not None: preds = [apply_color_map(preds[idx], color_map) for idx in range(preds.shape[0])] preds_list = [cv.addWeighted(image_gray_list[idx], 0.3, preds[idx], 0.7, 0) if preds[idx].dtype == np.uint8 else (image_list[idx] * preds[idx]).astype(np.uint8) for idx in range(nb_imgs)] stack_list += preds_list grid_size_y += 1 if return_images: return image_list, preds_list, masks_list return draw_images(stack_list, redraw=redraw, window_name="segments", block=block, grid_size_x=grid_size_x, grid_size_y=grid_size_y, **kwargs)
[docs]def draw_classifs(images, preds=None, labels=None, is_multi_label=False, class_names_map=None, redraw=None, block=False, **kwargs): """Draws and returns a set of classification results.""" image_list = [get_displayable_image(images[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(images.shape[0])] caption_list = [""] * len(image_list) if labels is not None: # convert labels to flat list, if available if is_multi_label: # curr impl does not support augmented labels (will throw) assert class_names_map is not None, "multi-label classif display requires class name map" assert isinstance(labels, torch.Tensor) and labels.dim() == 2 and labels.dtype == torch.int32, \ "unexpected labels array type/dims" assert len(images) == len(labels) and labels.shape[1] == len(class_names_map), "invalid labels array shape" for image_idx in range(len(image_list)): caption_list[image_idx] = "" for class_idx in range(len(class_names_map)): if labels[image_idx][class_idx]: if len(caption_list[image_idx]) > 0: caption_list[image_idx] += ", " caption_list[image_idx] += str(class_names_map[class_idx]) caption_list[image_idx] = "GT=" + caption_list[image_idx] else: if not isinstance(labels, list) and not (isinstance(labels, torch.Tensor) and labels.dim() == 1): raise AssertionError("expected classification labels to be in list or 1-d tensor format") if isinstance(labels, list): if all([isinstance(lbl, list) for lbl in labels]): labels = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(labels)) # merge all augmented lists together if all([isinstance(t, torch.Tensor) for t in labels]): labels =, 0) if isinstance(labels, torch.Tensor): labels = labels.tolist() if images.shape[0] != len(labels): raise AssertionError("images/labels count mismatch") if class_names_map is not None: labels = [class_names_map[lbl] if lbl in class_names_map else lbl for lbl in labels] for idx in range(len(image_list)): caption_list[idx] = f"GT={labels[idx]}" if preds is not None: # convert predictions to flat list, if available if not isinstance(preds, list) and not (isinstance(preds, torch.Tensor) and preds.dim() == 2): raise AssertionError("expected classification predictions to be in list or 2-d tensor format (BxC)") if isinstance(preds, list): if all([isinstance(p, list) for p in preds]): preds = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(preds)) # merge all augmented lists together if all([isinstance(t, torch.Tensor) for t in preds]): preds =, 0) with torch.no_grad(): preds = torch.squeeze(preds.topk(1, dim=1)[1], dim=1) if images.shape[0] != preds.shape[0]: raise AssertionError("images/predictions count mismatch") preds = preds.tolist() if class_names_map is not None: preds = [class_names_map[lbl] if lbl in class_names_map else lbl for lbl in preds] for idx in range(len(image_list)): if len(caption_list[idx]) != 0: caption_list[idx] += ", " caption_list[idx] += f"Pred={preds[idx]}" return draw_images(image_list, captions=caption_list, redraw=redraw, window_name="classifs", block=block, **kwargs)
[docs]def draw(task, input, pred=None, target=None, block=False, ch_transpose=True, flip_bgr=False, redraw=None, **kwargs): """Draws and returns a figure of a model input/predictions/targets using pyplot or OpenCV.""" # note: this function actually dispatches the drawing procedure using the task interface import thelper.tasks if not isinstance(task, thelper.tasks.Task): raise AssertionError("invalid task object") if isinstance(input, list) and all([isinstance(t, torch.Tensor) for t in input]): # if we have a list, it must be due to a augmentation stage if not all([image.shape == input[0].shape for image in input]): raise AssertionError("image shape mismatch throughout list") input =, 0) # merge all images into a single tensor if not isinstance(input, torch.Tensor) or input.dim() != 4: raise AssertionError("expected input images to be in 4-d tensor format (BxCxHxW or BxHxWxC)") input = input.numpy().copy() if ch_transpose: input = np.transpose(input, (0, 2, 3, 1)) # BxCxHxW to BxHxWxC if flip_bgr: input = input[..., ::-1] # BGR to RGB if pred is not None and isinstance(pred, torch.Tensor): pred = pred.cpu().detach() # avoid latency for preprocessing on gpu if target is not None and isinstance(target, torch.Tensor): target = target.cpu().detach() # avoid latency for preprocessing on gpu if isinstance(task, thelper.tasks.Classification): class_names_map = {idx: name for name, idx in task.class_indices.items()} return draw_classifs(images=input, preds=pred, labels=target, is_multi_label=task.multi_label, class_names_map=class_names_map, redraw=redraw, block=block, **kwargs) elif isinstance(task, thelper.tasks.Segmentation): color_map = task.color_map if task.color_map else {idx: get_label_color_mapping(idx + 1) for idx in task.class_indices.values()} if task.dontcare is not None and task.dontcare not in color_map: color_map[task.dontcare] = np.asarray([0, 0, 0]) return draw_segments(images=input, preds=pred, masks=target, color_map=color_map, redraw=redraw, block=block, **kwargs) elif isinstance(task, thelper.tasks.Detection): color_map = task.color_map if task.color_map else {idx: get_label_color_mapping(idx) for idx in task.class_indices.values()} return draw_bboxes(images=input, preds=pred, bboxes=target, color_map=color_map, redraw=redraw, block=block, **kwargs) elif isinstance(task, thelper.tasks.Regression): swap_channels = isinstance(task, thelper.tasks.SuperResolution) # must update BxCxHxW to BxHxWxC in targets/preds # @@@ todo: cleanup swap_channels above via flag in superres task? return draw_predicts(images=input, preds=pred, targets=target, swap_channels=swap_channels, redraw=redraw, block=block, **kwargs) else: global warned_generic_draw if not warned_generic_draw: logger.warning("unhandled drawing mode, defaulting to input display only") warned_generic_draw = True image_list = [get_displayable_image(input[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(input.shape[0])] return draw_images(image_list, redraw=redraw, window_name="inputs", block=block, **kwargs)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def draw_errbars(labels, # type: thelper.typedefs.LabelList min_values, # type: thelper.typedefs.ArrayType max_values, # type: thelper.typedefs.ArrayType stddev_values, # type: thelper.typedefs.ArrayType mean_values, # type: thelper.typedefs.ArrayType xlabel="", # type: thelper.typedefs.LabelType ylabel="Raw Value", # type: thelper.typedefs.LabelType show=False, # type: Optional[bool] block=False, # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> thelper.typedefs.DrawingType """Draws and returns an error bar histogram figure using pyplot.""" if min_values.shape != max_values.shape \ or min_values.shape != stddev_values.shape \ or min_values.shape != mean_values.shape: raise AssertionError("input dim mismatch") if len(min_values.shape) != 1 and len(min_values.shape) != 2: raise AssertionError("input dim unexpected") if len(min_values.shape) == 1: np.expand_dims(min_values, 1) np.expand_dims(max_values, 1) np.expand_dims(stddev_values, 1) np.expand_dims(mean_values, 1) nb_subplots = min_values.shape[1] fig, axs = plt.subplots(nb_subplots) xrange = range(len(labels)) for ax_idx in range(nb_subplots): ax = axs[ax_idx] ax.locator_params(nbins=nb_subplots) ax.errorbar(xrange, mean_values[:, ax_idx], stddev_values[:, ax_idx], fmt='ok', lw=3) ax.errorbar(xrange, mean_values[:, ax_idx], [mean_values[:, ax_idx] - min_values[:, ax_idx], max_values[:, ax_idx] - mean_values[:, ax_idx]], fmt='.k', ecolor='gray', lw=1) ax.set_xticks(xrange) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, visible=(ax_idx == nb_subplots - 1)) ax.set_title("Band %d" % (ax_idx + 1)) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize="6", labelrotation=45) fig.set_tight_layout(True) if show: if block: return fig plt.pause(0.5) return fig, axs
[docs]def draw_roc_curve(fpr, tpr, labels=None, size_inch=(5, 5), dpi=160, show=False, block=False): """Draws and returns an ROC curve figure using pyplot.""" if not isinstance(fpr, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(tpr, np.ndarray): raise AssertionError("invalid inputs") if fpr.shape != tpr.shape: raise AssertionError("mismatched input sizes") if fpr.ndim == 1: fpr = np.expand_dims(fpr, 0) if tpr.ndim == 1: tpr = np.expand_dims(tpr, 0) if labels is not None: if isinstance(labels, str): labels = [labels] if len(labels) != fpr.shape[0]: raise AssertionError("should have one label per curve") else: labels = [None] * fpr.shape[0] fig = plt.figure(num="roc", figsize=size_inch, dpi=dpi, facecolor="w", edgecolor="k") fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) import sklearn.metrics for idx, label in enumerate(labels): auc = sklearn.metrics.auc(fpr[idx, ...], tpr[idx, ...]) if label is not None: ax.plot(fpr[idx, ...], tpr[idx, ...], "b", label=("%s [auc = %0.3f]" % (label, auc))) else: ax.plot(fpr[idx, ...], tpr[idx, ...], "b", label=("auc = %0.3f" % auc)) ax.legend(loc="lower right") ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'r--') ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_ylabel("True Positive Rate") ax.set_xlabel("False Positive Rate") fig.set_tight_layout(True) if show: if block: return fig plt.pause(0.5) return fig, ax
[docs]def draw_confmat(confmat, class_list, size_inch=(5, 5), dpi=160, normalize=False, keep_unset=False, show=False, block=False): """Draws and returns an a confusion matrix figure using pyplot.""" if not isinstance(confmat, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(class_list, list): raise AssertionError("invalid inputs") if confmat.ndim != 2: raise AssertionError("invalid confmat shape") if not keep_unset and "<unset>" in class_list: unset_idx = class_list.index("<unset>") del class_list[unset_idx] np.delete(confmat, unset_idx, 0) np.delete(confmat, unset_idx, 1) if normalize: row_sums = confmat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] confmat = np.nan_to_num(confmat.astype(np.float) / np.maximum(row_sums, 0.0001)) fig = plt.figure(num="confmat", figsize=size_inch, dpi=dpi, facecolor="w", edgecolor="k") fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(confmat,, aspect="equal", interpolation="none") import thelper.utils labels = [thelper.utils.clipstr(label, 9) for label in class_list] tick_marks = np.arange(len(labels)) ax.set_xlabel("Predicted", fontsize=7) ax.set_xticks(tick_marks) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, fontsize=4, rotation=-90, ha="center") ax.xaxis.set_label_position("bottom") ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax.set_ylabel("Real", fontsize=7) ax.set_yticks(tick_marks) ax.set_yticklabels(labels, fontsize=4, va="center") ax.set_ylim(confmat.shape[0] - 0.5, -0.5) ax.yaxis.set_label_position("left") ax.yaxis.tick_left() thresh = confmat.max() / 2. for i, j in itertools.product(range(confmat.shape[0]), range(confmat.shape[1])): if not normalize: txt = ("%d" % confmat[i, j]) if confmat[i, j] != 0 else "." else: if confmat[i, j] >= 0.01: txt = "%.02f" % confmat[i, j] else: txt = "~0" if confmat[i, j] > 0 else "." color = "white" if confmat[i, j] > thresh else "black" ax.text(j, i, txt, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=4, verticalalignment="center", color=color) fig.set_tight_layout(True) if show: if block: return fig plt.pause(0.5) return fig, ax
[docs]def draw_bbox(image, tl, br, text, color, box_thickness=2, font_thickness=1, font_scale=0.4, show=False, block=False, win_name="bbox"): """Draws a single bounding box on a given image (used in :func:`thelper.draw.draw_bboxes`).""" tl, br = (round(float(tl[0])), round(float(tl[1]))), \ (round(float(br[0])), round(float(br[1]))) text_size, baseline = cv.getTextSize(text, fontFace=cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=font_scale, thickness=font_thickness) text_bl = (tl[0] + box_thickness + 1, tl[1] + text_size[1] + box_thickness + 1) # note: text will overflow if box is too small text_box_br = (text_bl[0] + text_size[0] + box_thickness, text_bl[1] + box_thickness * 2) cv.rectangle(image, (tl[0] - 1, tl[1] - 1), (text_box_br[0] + 1, text_box_br[1] + 1), color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=-1) cv.rectangle(image, tl, br, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=(box_thickness + 1)) cv.rectangle(image, tl, br, color=color, thickness=box_thickness) cv.rectangle(image, tl, text_box_br, color=color, thickness=-1) cv.putText(image, text, text_bl, fontFace=cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=font_scale, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=font_thickness + 1) cv.putText(image, text, text_bl, fontFace=cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=font_scale, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=font_thickness) if show: cv.imshow(win_name, image) cv.waitKey(0 if block else 1) return win_name, image
[docs]def draw_bboxes(images, # type: thelper.typedefs.InputType preds=None, # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.AnyPredictionType] bboxes=None, # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.AnyTargetType] color_map=None, # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.ClassColorMap] redraw=None, # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.DrawingType] block=False, # type: Optional[bool] min_confidence=0.5, # type: thelper.typedefs.Number class_map=None, # type: Optional[thelper.typedefs.ClassIdType, AnyStr] **kwargs # type: Any ): """Draws a set of bounding box prediction results on images. Args: images: images with first dimension as list index, and other dimensions are each image's content preds: predicted bounding boxes per image to be displayed, must match images count if provided bboxes: ground truth (targets) bounding boxes per image to be displayed, must match images count if provided color_map: mapping of class-id to color to be applied to drawn bounding boxes on the image redraw: existing figure and axes to reuse for drawing the new images and bounding boxes block: indicate whether to block execution until all figures have been closed or not min_confidence: ignore display of bounding boxes that have a confidence below this value, if available class_map: alternative class-id to class-name mapping to employ for display. This overrides the default class names retrieved from each bounding box's attributed task. Useful for displaying generic bounding boxes obtained from raw input values without a specific task. kwargs: other arguments to be passed down to further drawing functions or drawing settings (amongst other settings, box_thickness, font_thickness and font_scale can be provided) """ def get_class_name(_bbox): if isinstance(class_map, dict): return class_map[_bbox.class_id] elif bbox.task is not None: return _bbox.task.class_names[_bbox.class_id] else: raise RuntimeError("could not find class name from either class mapping or bbox task definition") image_list = [get_displayable_image(images[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(images.shape[0])] if color_map is not None and isinstance(color_map, dict): assert len(color_map) <= 256, "too many indices for uint8 map" color_map_new = np.zeros((256, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for idx, val in color_map.items(): color_map_new[idx, ...] = val color_map = color_map_new.tolist() nb_imgs = len(image_list) grid_size_x, grid_size_y = nb_imgs, 1 # all images on one row, by default (add gt and preds as extra rows) box_thickness = thelper.utils.get_key_def("box_thickness", kwargs, default=2, delete=True) font_thickness = thelper.utils.get_key_def("font_thickness", kwargs, default=1, delete=True) font_scale = thelper.utils.get_key_def("font_scale", kwargs, default=0.4, delete=True) if preds is not None: assert len(image_list) == len(preds) for preds_list, image in zip(preds, image_list): for bbox_idx, bbox in enumerate(preds_list): assert isinstance(bbox,, "unrecognized bbox type" if bbox.confidence is not None and bbox.confidence < min_confidence: continue color = get_bgr_from_hsl(bbox_idx / len(preds_list) * 360, 1.0, 0.5) \ if color_map is None else color_map[bbox.class_id] conf = "" if thelper.utils.is_scalar(bbox.confidence): conf = f" ({bbox.confidence:.3f})" elif isinstance(bbox.confidence, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): conf = f" ({bbox.confidence[bbox.class_id]:.3f})" draw_bbox(image, bbox.top_left, bbox.bottom_right, f"{get_class_name(bbox)} {conf}", color, box_thickness=box_thickness, font_thickness=font_thickness, font_scale=font_scale) if bboxes is not None: assert len(image_list) == len(bboxes), "mismatched bboxes list and image list sizes" clean_image_list = [get_displayable_image(images[batch_idx, ...]) for batch_idx in range(images.shape[0])] for bboxes_list, image in zip(bboxes, clean_image_list): for bbox_idx, bbox in enumerate(bboxes_list): assert isinstance(bbox,, "unrecognized bbox type" color = get_bgr_from_hsl(bbox_idx / len(bboxes_list) * 360, 1.0, 0.5) \ if color_map is None else color_map[bbox.class_id] draw_bbox(image, bbox.top_left, bbox.bottom_right, f"GT: {get_class_name(bbox)}", color, box_thickness=box_thickness, font_thickness=font_thickness, font_scale=font_scale) grid_size_y += 1 image_list += clean_image_list return draw_images(image_list, redraw=redraw, window_name="detections", block=block, grid_size_x=grid_size_x, grid_size_y=grid_size_y, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_label_color_mapping(idx): """Returns the PASCAL VOC color triplet for a given label index.""" # def bitget(byteval, ch): return (byteval & (1 << ch)) != 0 r = g = b = 0 for j in range(8): r = r | (bitget(idx, 0) << 7 - j) g = g | (bitget(idx, 1) << 7 - j) b = b | (bitget(idx, 2) << 7 - j) idx = idx >> 3 return np.array([r, g, b], dtype=np.uint8)
[docs]def get_label_html_color_code(idx): """Returns the PASCAL VOC HTML color code for a given label index.""" color_array = get_label_color_mapping(idx) return f"#{color_array[0]:02X}{color_array[1]:02X}{color_array[2]:02X}"
[docs]def apply_color_map(image, colormap, dst=None): """Applies a color map to an image of 8-bit color indices; works similarly to cv2.applyColorMap (v3.3.1).""" assert isinstance(image, np.ndarray) and image.ndim == 2 and \ np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer), "invalid input image" assert isinstance(colormap, np.ndarray) and colormap.shape == (256, 1, 3) and \ (colormap.dtype == np.uint8 or colormap.dtype == np.float32), "invalid color map" out_shape = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 3) if dst is None: dst = np.empty(out_shape, dtype=colormap.dtype) else: assert isinstance(dst, np.ndarray) and dst.shape == out_shape and \ dst.dtype == colormap.dtype, "invalid output image" # using np.take might avoid an extra allocation... np.copyto(dst, colormap.squeeze()[image.ravel(), :].reshape(out_shape)) return dst
[docs]def fig2array(fig): """Transforms a pyplot figure into a numpy-compatible RGB array.""" fig.canvas.draw() w, h = fig.canvas.get_width_height() buf = np.frombuffer(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8) buf.shape = (w, h, 3) return buf