thelper package

Top-level package for the ‘thelper’ framework.

Running import thelper will recursively import all important subpackages and modules.



thelper.cli module

Command-line module, for use with a __main__ entrypoint.

This module contains the primary functions used to create or resume a training session, to start a visualization session, or to start an annotation session. The basic argument that needs to be provided by the user to create any kind of session is a configuration dictionary. For sessions that produce outputs, the path to a directory where to save the data is also needed.

thelper.cli.annotate_data(config, save_dir)[source]

Launches an annotation session for a dataset using a specialized GUI tool.

Note that the annotation type must be supported by the GUI tool. The annotations created by the user during the session will be saved in the session directory.

  • config – a dictionary that provides all required dataset and GUI tool configuration parameters; see and thelper.gui.utils.create_annotator() for more information.
  • save_dir – the path to the root directory where the session directory should be saved. Note that this is not the path to the session directory itself, but its parent, which may also contain other session directories.
thelper.cli.create_session(config, save_dir)[source]

Creates a session to train a model.

All generated outputs (model checkpoints and logs) will be saved in a directory named after the session (the name itself is specified in config), and located in save_dir.

  • config – a dictionary that provides all required data configuration and trainer parameters; see thelper.train.base.Trainer and for more information. Here, it is only expected to contain a name field that specifies the name of the session.
  • save_dir – the path to the root directory where the session directory should be saved. Note that this is not the path to the session directory itself, but its parent, which may also contain other session directories.
thelper.cli.export_model(config, save_dir)[source]

Launches a model exportation session.

This function will export a model defined via a configuration file into a new checkpoint that can be loaded elsewhere. The model can be built using the framework, or provided via its type, construction parameters, and weights. Its exported format will be compatible with the framework, and may also be an optimized/compiled version obtained using PyTorch’s JIT tracer.

The configuration dictionary must minimally contain a ‘model’ section that provides details on the model to be exported. A section named ‘export’ can be used to provide settings regarding the exportation approaches to use, and the task interface to save with the model. If a task is not explicitly defined in the ‘export’ section, the session configuration will be parsed for a ‘datasets’ section that can be used to define it. Otherwise, it must be provided through the model.

The exported checkpoint containing the model will be saved in the session’s output directory.

  • config – a dictionary that provides all required data configuration parameters; see thelper.nn.utils.create_model() for more information.
  • save_dir – the path to the root directory where the session directory should be saved. Note that this is not the path to the session directory itself, but its parent, which may also contain other session directories.
thelper.cli.inference_session(config, save_dir=None, ckpt_path=None)[source]

Executes an inference session on samples with a trained model checkpoint.

In order to run inference, a model is mandatory and therefore expected to be provided in the configuration. Similarly, a list of input sample file paths are expected for which to run inference on. These inputs can provide additional data according to how they are being parsed by lower level operations.

The session will save the current configuration as config-infer.json and the employed model’s training configuration as config-train.json. Other outputs depend on the specific implementation of the session runner.

  • config – a dictionary that provides all required data configuration.
  • save_dir – the path to the root directory where the session directory should be saved. Note that this is not the path to the session directory itself, but its parent, which may also contain other session directories. If not provided, will use the best value extracted from either the configuration path or the configuration dictionary itself.
  • ckpt_path – explicit checkpoint path to use for loading a model to execute inference. Otherwise look for a model definition in the configuration.

See also
thelper.cli.main(args=None, argparser=None)[source]

Main entrypoint to use with console applications.

This function parses command line arguments and dispatches the execution based on the selected operating mode. Run with --help for information on the available arguments.


If you are trying to resume a session that was previously executed using a now unavailable GPU, you will have to force the checkpoint data to be loaded on CPU using --map-location=cpu (or using -m=cpu).


Creates the (default) argument parser to use for the main entrypoint.

The argument parser will contain different “operating modes” that dictate the high-level behavior of the CLI. This function may be modified in branches of the framework to add project-specific features.

thelper.cli.resume_session(ckptdata, save_dir, config=None, eval_only=False, task_compat=None)[source]

Resumes a previously created training session.

Since the saved checkpoints contain the original session’s configuration, the config argument can be set to None if the session should simply pick up where it was interrupted. Otherwise, the config argument can be set to a new configuration that will override the older one. This is useful when fine-tuning a model, or when testing on a new dataset.


If a session is resumed with an overriding configuration, the user must make sure that the inputs/outputs of the older model are compatible with the new parameters. For example, with classifiers, this means that the number of classes parsed by the dataset (and thus to be predicted by the model) should remain the same. This is a limitation of the framework that should be addressed in a future update.


A resumed session will not be compatible with its original RNG states if the number of workers used is changed. To get 100% reproducible results, make sure you run with the same worker count.

  • ckptdata – raw checkpoint data loaded via torch.load(); it will be parsed by the various parts of the framework that need to reload their previous state.
  • save_dir – the path to the root directory where the session directory should be saved. Note that this is not the path to the session directory itself, but its parent, which may also contain other session directories.
  • config – a dictionary that provides all required data configuration and trainer parameters; see thelper.train.base.Trainer and for more information. Here, it is only expected to contain a name field that specifies the name of the session.
  • eval_only – specifies whether training should be resumed or the model should only be evaluated.
  • task_compat – specifies how to handle discrepancy between old task from checkpoint and new task from config
thelper.cli.setup(args=None, argparser=None)[source]

Sets up the argument parser (if not already done externally) and parses the input CLI arguments.

This function may return an error code (integer) if the program should exit immediately. Otherwise, it will return the parsed arguments to use in order to redirect the execution flow of the entrypoint.

thelper.cli.split_data(config, save_dir)[source]

Launches a dataset splitting session.

This mode will generate an HDF5 archive that contains the split datasets defined in the session configuration file. This archive can then be reused in a new training session to guarantee a fixed distribution of training, validation, and testing samples. It can also be used outside the framework in order to reproduce an experiment.

The configuration dictionary must minimally contain two sections: ‘datasets’ and ‘loaders’. A third section, ‘split’, can be used to provide settings regarding the archive packing and compression approaches to use.

The HDF5 archive will be saved in the session’s output directory.

  • config – a dictionary that provides all required data configuration parameters; see for more information.
  • save_dir – the path to the root directory where the session directory should be saved. Note that this is not the path to the session directory itself, but its parent, which may also contain other session directories.

Displays the images used in a training session.

This mode does not generate any output, and is only used to visualize the (transformed) images used in a training session. This is useful to debug the data augmentation and base transformation pipelines and make sure the modified images are valid. It does not attempt to load a model or instantiate a trainer, meaning the related fields are not required inside config.

If the configuration dictionary includes a ‘loaders’ field, it will be parsed and used. Otherwise, if only a ‘datasets’ field is available, basic loaders will be instantiated to load the data. The ‘loaders’ field can also be ignored if ‘ignore_loaders’ is found within the ‘viz’ section of the config and set to True. Each minibatch will be displayed via pyplot or OpenCV. The display will block and wait for user input, unless ‘block’ is set within the ‘viz’ section’s ‘kwargs’ config as False.

Parameters:config – a dictionary that provides all required data configuration parameters; see for more information.

thelper.concepts module

Framework concepts module for high-level interface documenting.

The decorators and type checkers defined in this module help highlight the purpose of classes and functions with respect to high-level ML tasks.

thelper.concepts.SUPPORT_PREFIX = 'supports_'

Prefix that is applied before any ‘concept’ decorator.

thelper.concepts.apply_support(func_or_cls=None, concept=None)[source]

Utility decorator that allows marking a function or a class as supporting a certain concept.


concept support by the function or class is marked only as documentation reference, no strict validation is accomplished to ensure that further underlying requirements are met for the concept.


Decorator that allows marking a function or class as supporting the image classification task.


class ClassifObject():

c = ClassifObject()
> True

thelper.concepts.supports(c, "classification")
> True

Decorator that allows marking a function or class as supporting the object detection task.


class DetectObject():

d = DetectObject()
> True

thelper.concepts.supports(d, "detection")
> True

Decorator that allows marking a function or class as supporting the generic regression task.


class RegrObject():

r = RegrObject()
> True

thelper.concepts.supports(r, "regression")
> True

Decorator that allows marking a function or class as supporting the image segmentation task.


class SegmentObject():

s = SegmentObject()
> True

thelper.concepts.supports(s, "segmentation")
> True
thelper.concepts.supports(thing, concept)[source]

Utility method to evaluate if thing supports a given concept as defined by decorators.

  • thing – any type, function, method, class or object instance to evaluate if it is marked by the concept
  • concept – concept to check

thelper.draw module

Drawing/display utilities module.

These functions currently rely on OpenCV and/or matplotlib.

thelper.draw.apply_color_map(image, colormap, dst=None)[source]

Applies a color map to an image of 8-bit color indices; works similarly to cv2.applyColorMap (v3.3.1).

thelper.draw.draw(task, input, pred=None, target=None, block=False, ch_transpose=True, flip_bgr=False, redraw=None, **kwargs)[source]

Draws and returns a figure of a model input/predictions/targets using pyplot or OpenCV.

thelper.draw.draw_bbox(image, tl, br, text, color, box_thickness=2, font_thickness=1, font_scale=0.4, show=False, block=False, win_name='bbox')[source]

Draws a single bounding box on a given image (used in thelper.draw.draw_bboxes()).

thelper.draw.draw_bboxes(images, preds=None, bboxes=None, color_map=None, redraw=None, block=False, min_confidence=0.5, class_map=None, **kwargs)[source]

Draws a set of bounding box prediction results on images.

  • images – images with first dimension as list index, and other dimensions are each image’s content
  • preds – predicted bounding boxes per image to be displayed, must match images count if provided
  • bboxes – ground truth (targets) bounding boxes per image to be displayed, must match images count if provided
  • color_map – mapping of class-id to color to be applied to drawn bounding boxes on the image
  • redraw – existing figure and axes to reuse for drawing the new images and bounding boxes
  • block – indicate whether to block execution until all figures have been closed or not
  • min_confidence – ignore display of bounding boxes that have a confidence below this value, if available
  • class_map – alternative class-id to class-name mapping to employ for display. This overrides the default class names retrieved from each bounding box’s attributed task. Useful for displaying generic bounding boxes obtained from raw input values without a specific task.
  • kwargs – other arguments to be passed down to further drawing functions or drawing settings (amongst other settings, box_thickness, font_thickness and font_scale can be provided)
thelper.draw.draw_classifs(images, preds=None, labels=None, is_multi_label=False, class_names_map=None, redraw=None, block=False, **kwargs)[source]

Draws and returns a set of classification results.

thelper.draw.draw_confmat(confmat, class_list, size_inch=(5, 5), dpi=160, normalize=False, keep_unset=False, show=False, block=False)[source]

Draws and returns an a confusion matrix figure using pyplot.

thelper.draw.draw_errbars(labels, min_values, max_values, stddev_values, mean_values, xlabel='', ylabel='Raw Value', show=False, block=False)[source]

Draws and returns an error bar histogram figure using pyplot.

thelper.draw.draw_histogram(data, bins=50, xlabel='', ylabel='Proportion', show=False, block=False)[source]

Draws and returns a histogram figure using pyplot.

thelper.draw.draw_images(images, captions=None, redraw=None, show=True, block=False, use_cv2=True, cv2_flip_bgr=True, img_shape=None, max_img_size=None, grid_size_x=None, grid_size_y=None, caption_opts=None, window_name=None)[source]

Draws a set of images with optional captions.

thelper.draw.draw_pascalvoc_curve(metrics, size_inch=(5, 5), dpi=160, show=False, block=False)[source]

Draws and returns a precision-recall curve according to pascalvoc metrics.

thelper.draw.draw_popbars(labels, counts, xlabel='', ylabel='Pop. Count', show=False, block=False)[source]

Draws and returns a bar histogram figure using pyplot.

thelper.draw.draw_predicts(images, preds=None, targets=None, swap_channels=False, redraw=None, block=False, **kwargs)[source]

Draws and returns a set of generic prediction results.

thelper.draw.draw_roc_curve(fpr, tpr, labels=None, size_inch=(5, 5), dpi=160, show=False, block=False)[source]

Draws and returns an ROC curve figure using pyplot.

thelper.draw.draw_segments(images, preds=None, masks=None, color_map=None, redraw=None, block=False, segm_threshold=None, target_class=None, target_threshold=None, swap_channels=False, return_images=False, **kwargs)[source]

Draws and returns a set of segmentation results.


Transforms a pyplot figure into a numpy-compatible RGB array.

thelper.draw.get_bgr_from_hsl(hue, sat, light)[source]

Converts a single HSL triplet (0-360 hue, 0-1 sat & lightness) into an 8-bit RGB triplet.

thelper.draw.get_displayable_heatmap(array, convert_rgb=True)[source]

Returns a ‘displayable’ array that has been min-maxed and mapped to color triplets.

thelper.draw.get_displayable_image(image, grayscale=False)[source]

Returns a ‘displayable’ image that has been normalized and padded to three channels.


Returns the PASCAL VOC color triplet for a given label index.


Returns the PASCAL VOC HTML color code for a given label index.

thelper.draw.safe_crop(image, tl, br, bordertype=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, borderval=0, force_copy=False)[source]

Safely crops a region from within an image, padding borders if needed.

  • image – the image to crop (provided as a numpy array).
  • tl – a tuple or list specifying the (x,y) coordinates of the top-left crop corner.
  • br – a tuple or list specifying the (x,y) coordinates of the bottom-right crop corner.
  • bordertype – border copy type to use when the image is too small for the required crop size. See cv2.copyMakeBorder for more information.
  • borderval – border value to use when the image is too small for the required crop size. See cv2.copyMakeBorder for more information.
  • force_copy – defines whether to force a copy of the target image region even when it can be avoided.

The cropped image.

thelper.ifaces module

Common object interfaces module.

The interfaces defined here are fairly generic and used to eliminate issues related to circular module importation.

class thelper.ifaces.ClassNamesHandler(class_names: Union[Sequence[AnyStr], Dict[AnyStr, AnyStr], None] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Generic interface to handle class names operations for inheriting classes.

  • class_names – holds the list of class label names.
  • class_indices – holds a mapping (dict) of class-names-to-label-indices.
__init__(class_names: Union[Sequence[AnyStr], Dict[AnyStr, AnyStr], None] = None, *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Initializes the class names array, if an object is provided.


Returns the class-name-to-index map used for encoding labels as integers.


Returns the list of class names considered “of interest” by the derived class.

class thelper.ifaces.ColorMapHandler(color_map: Optional[Dict[Union[AnyStr, int], Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int], <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f0c80ef1518>]]] = None, dontcare: Optional[AnyStr] = None, background: Optional[AnyStr] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Generic interface to handle color map output operations for inheriting classes.

If color_map is specified, validation ensure that the obtained map is converted from the various typing combinations. If dontcare index is provided, the corresponding labels (pixels) matching that value will be ignored and displayed by default as black, unless corresponding index/color is already within the color map.

Can be combined with ClassNamesHandler to take advantage of class indices extracted from its name mapping.

The result is a completely defined index to (R,G,B) mapping of labels.

  • color_map – index to single or 3-int pairs to employ for coloring outputs.
  • dontcare – label index to mark as ‘ignore’ candidate (for coloring but also possibly for metrics)
  • background – alias to dontcare, for different naming convention across task concepts.
__init__(color_map: Optional[Dict[Union[AnyStr, int], Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int], <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f0c80ef1518>]]] = None, dontcare: Optional[AnyStr] = None, background: Optional[AnyStr] = None, *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Returns ‘ignore’ label value used in loss functions (can be None).


Returns the color map used to swap label indices for colors when displaying results.


Returns ‘ignore’ label value used in loss functions (can be None).


Returns ‘ignore’ label value used in loss functions (can be None).

class thelper.ifaces.FormatHandler(format: Optional[AnyStr] = 'text', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Generic interface to handle format output operations for inheriting classes.

If format is specified and matches a supported one (with a matching report_<format> method), this method is used to generate the output. Defaults to "text" if not specified or provided value is not found within supported formatting methods.

  • format – format to be used for producing the report (default: “text”)
  • ext – extension associated with generated format (default: “txt”)
__init__(format: Optional[AnyStr] = 'text', *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

report(format: Optional[AnyStr] = None) → Optional[AnyStr][source]

Returns the report as a print-friendly string, matching the specified format if specified in configuration.

Parameters:format – format to be used for producing the report (default: initialization attribute or “text” if invalid)
report_text() → Optional[AnyStr][source]

Must be implemented by inheriting classes. Default report text representation.

solve_format(format: Optional[AnyStr] = None) → None[source]
class thelper.ifaces.PredictionConsumer[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract model prediction consumer class.

This interface defines basic functions required so that thelper.train.base.Trainer can figure out how to instantiate and update a model prediction consumer. The most notable class derived from this interface is thelper.optim.metrics.Metric which is used to monitor the improvement of a model during a training session. Other prediction consumers defined in thelper.train.utils will instead log predictions to local files, create graphs, etc.

reset() → None[source]

Resets the internal state of the consumer.

May be called for example by the trainer between two evaluation epochs. The default implementation does nothing, and if a reset behavior is needed, it should be implemented by the derived class.

update(task: thelper.tasks.utils.Task, input: <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f0c80ef1f98>, pred: Union[<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f0c80ef1ef0>, <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f0c80be8048>, List[List[thelper.tasks.detect.BoundingBox]], <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f0c80be8278>], target: Union[<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f0c80ef1e10>, <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f0c80be8080>, List[List[thelper.tasks.detect.BoundingBox]], <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f0c80be8160>], sample: Dict[Union[AnyStr, int], Any], loss: Optional[float], iter_idx: int, max_iters: int, epoch_idx: int, max_epochs: int, output_path: AnyStr, **kwargs) → None[source]

Receives the latest prediction and groundtruth tensors from the training session.

The data given here will be “consumed” internally, but it should NOT be modified. For example, a classification accuracy metric would accumulate the correct number of predictions in comparison to groundtruth labels, while a plotting logger would add new corresponding dots to a curve.

Remember that input, prediction, and target tensors received here will all have a batch dimension!

The exact signature of this function should match the one of the callbacks defined in thelper.train.base.Trainer and specified by thelper.typedefs.IterCallbackParams.

thelper.typedefs module

Typing definitions for thelper.

thelper.utils module

General utilities module.

This module only contains non-ML specific functions, i/o helpers, and matplotlib/pyplot drawing calls.

class thelper.utils.Struct(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Generic runtime-defined C-like data structure (maps constructor elements to fields).


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

thelper.utils.check_func_signature(func, params)[source]

Checks whether the signature of a function matches the expected parameter list.


Attempts to import a specified package by name, returning a boolean indicating success.

thelper.utils.check_version(version_check, version_required)[source]

Verifies that the checked version is not greater than the required one (ie: not a future version).

Version format is MAJOR[.MINOR[.PATCH[[-]<RELEASE>]]].

Note that for RELEASE part, comparison depends on alphabetical order if all other previous parts were equal (i.e.: alpha will be lower than beta, which in turn is lower than rc and so on). The - is optional and will be removed for comparison (i.e.: 0.5.0-rc is exactly the same as 0.5.0rc and the additional - will not result in evaluating 0.5.0a0 as a greater version because of - being lower ascii than a).

  • version_check – the version string that needs to be verified and compared for lower than the required version.
  • version_required – the control version against which the check is done.

Tuple of the validated check, and lists of both parsed version parts as [MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH, 'RELEASE']. The returned lists are guaranteed to be formed of 4 elements, adding 0 or ‘’ as applicable for missing parts.

thelper.utils.clipstr(s, size, fill=' ')[source]

Clips a string to a specific length, with an optional fill character.

thelper.utils.create_hdf5_dataset(fd, name, max_len, batch_like, compression='chunk_lz4', chunk_size=None, flatten=True)[source]

Creates an HDF5 dataset inside the provided HDF5.File object descriptor.

thelper.utils.decode_data(data, approach='lz4', **kwargs)[source]

Decodes a binary array using a given coding approach.

  • data – the binary array to decode.
  • approach – the encoding; supports none, lz4, jpg, png.
thelper.utils.download_file(url, root, filename, md5=None)[source]

Downloads a file from a given URL to a local destination.

  • url – path to query for the file (query will be based on urllib).
  • root – destination folder where the file should be saved.
  • filename – destination name for the file.
  • md5 – optional, for md5 integrity check.

The path to the downloaded file.

thelper.utils.encode_data(data, approach='lz4', **kwargs)[source]

Encodes a numpy array using a given coding approach.

  • data – the numpy array to encode.
  • approach – the encoding; supports none, lz4, jpg, png.
thelper.utils.extract_tar(filepath, root, flags='r:gz')[source]

Extracts the content of a tar file to a specific location.

  • filepath – location of the tar archive.
  • root – where to extract the archive’s content.
  • flags – extra flags passed to
thelper.utils.fetch_hdf5_sample(dset, idx, dtype='auto', shape='auto', compression='auto', **decompr_kwargs)[source]

Returns a sample from the specified HDF5 dataset object.

thelper.utils.fill_hdf5_sample(dset, dset_idx, array_idx, array, compression='chunk_lz4', **compr_kwargs)[source]

Fills a sample inside the specified HDF5 dataset object.


Tests all visible cuda devices and returns a list of available ones.

Returns:List of available cuda device IDs (integers). An empty list means no cuda device is available, and the app should fallback to cpu.
thelper.utils.get_caller_name(skip=2, base_class=False)[source]

Returns the name of a caller in the format module.class.method.

  • skip – specifies how many levels of stack to skip while getting the caller.
  • base_class – specified if the base class should be returned or the top-most class in case of inheritance If the caller is not a class, this doesn’t do anything.

An empty string is returned if skipped levels exceed stack height; otherwise, returns the requested caller name.


Returns the session root directory associated with a checkpoint path.

The given path can point to a checkpoint file or to a directory that contains checkpoints. The returned output directory will be the top-level of the session that created the checkpoint, or None if it cannot be deduced.

Parameters:ckpt_path – the path to a checkpoint or to an exisiting directory that contains checkpoints.
Returns:The path to the session root directory. Will always point to an existing directory, or be None.
thelper.utils.get_class_logger(skip=0, base=False)[source]

Shorthand to get logger for current class frame.


Returns the output root directory as defined inside a configuration dictionary.

The current implementation will scan for multiple keywords and return the first value found. If no keyword is matched, the function will return None.

Parameters:config – the configuration dictionary to parse for a root output directory.
Returns:The path to the output root directory. Can point to a non-existing directory, or be None.

Returns the ‘name’ of a session as defined inside a configuration dictionary.

The current implementation will scan for multiple keywords and return the first value found. If no keyword is matched, the function will return None.

Parameters:config – the configuration dictionary to parse for a name.
Returns:The name that should be given to the session (or ‘None’ if unknown/unavailable).

Returns a list of all packages installed in the current environment.

If the required packages cannot be imported, the returned list will be empty. Note that some packages may not be properly detected by this approach, and it is pretty hacky, so use it with a grain of salt (i.e. logging is fine).

thelper.utils.get_file_paths(input_path, data_root, allow_glob=False, can_be_dir=False)[source]

Parse a wildcard-compatible file name pattern at a given root level for valid file paths.


Shorthand to get logger for current function frame.


Returns the parameters expected when calling the given function. Supports class constructors.


Returns a print-friendly SHA signature for the framework’s underlying git repository (if found).

thelper.utils.get_glob_paths(input_glob_pattern, can_be_dir=False)[source]

Parse a wildcard-compatible file name pattern for valid file paths.

thelper.utils.get_key(key, config, msg=None, delete=False)[source]

Returns a value given a dictionary key, throwing if not available.

thelper.utils.get_key_def(key, config, default=None, msg=None, delete=False)[source]

Returns a value given a dictionary key, or the default value if it cannot be found.


Returns a print-friendly and filename-friendly identification string containing platform and time.

thelper.utils.get_params_hash(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns a sha1 hash for the given list of parameters (useful for caching).

thelper.utils.get_save_dir(out_root, dir_name, config=None, resume=False, backup_ext='.json')[source]

Returns a directory path in which the app can save its data.

If a folder with name dir_name already exists in the directory out_root, then the user will be asked to pick a new name. If the user refuses, sys.exit(1) is called. If config is not None, it will be saved to the output directory as a json file. Finally, a logs directory will also be created in the output directory for writing logger files.

  • out_root – path to the directory root where the save directory should be created.
  • dir_name – name of the save directory to create. If it already exists, a new one will be requested.
  • config – dictionary of app configuration parameters. Used to overwrite i/o queries, and will be written to the save directory in json format to test writing. Default is None.
  • resume – specifies whether this session is new, or resumed from an older one (in the latter case, overwriting is allowed, and the user will never have to choose a new folder)
  • backup_ext – extension to use when creating configuration file backups.

The path to the created save directory for this session.

thelper.utils.get_slurm_tmpdir() → str[source]

Returns the local SLURM_TMPDIR path if available, or None.


General-purpose runtime class importer.

Supported syntax:
  1. module.package.Class will import the fully qualified Class located in package from the installed module
  2. /some/path/mod.pkg.Cls will import Cls as fully qualified mod.pkg.Cls from /some/path directory
Parameters:fullname – the fully qualified class name to be imported.
Returns:The imported class.
thelper.utils.import_function(func, params=None)[source]

General-purpose runtime function importer, with support for parameter binding.

  • func – the fully qualified function name to be imported, or a dictionary with two members (a type and optional params), or a list of any of these.
  • params – optional params dictionary to bind to the function call via functools. If a dictionary of parameters is also provided in func, both will be merged.

The imported function, with optionally bound parameters.

thelper.utils.init_logger(log_level=0, filename=None, force_stdout=False)[source]

Initializes the framework logger with a specific filter level, and optional file output.


Returns whether the input value is a scalar according to numpy and PyTorch.

thelper.utils.load_checkpoint(ckpt, map_location=None, always_load_latest=False, check_version=True)[source]

Loads a session checkpoint via PyTorch, check its compatibility, and returns its data.

If the ckpt parameter is a path to a valid directory, then that directly will be searched for a checkpoint. If multiple checkpoints are found, the latest will be returned (based on the epoch index in its name). iF always_load_latest is set to False and if a checkpoint named is found, it will be returned instead.

  • ckpt – a file-like object or a path to the checkpoint file or session directory.
  • map_location – a function, string or a dict specifying how to remap storage locations. See torch.load for more information.
  • always_load_latest – toggles whether to always try to load the latest checkpoint if a session directory is provided (instead of loading the ‘best’ checkpoint).
  • check_version – toggles whether the checkpoint’s version should be checked for compatibility issues, and query the user for how to proceed.

Content of the checkpoint (a dictionary).

thelper.utils.load_config(path, as_json=False, add_name_if_missing=True, **kwargs)[source]

Loads the configuration dictionary from the provided path.

The type of file that is loaded is based on the extension in the path.

If the loaded configuration dictionary does not contain a ‘name’ field, the name of the file itself will be inserted as a value.

  • path – the path specifying which configuration to be loaded. only supported types are loaded unless as_json is True.
  • as_json – specifies if an alternate extension should be considered as JSON format.
  • add_name_if_missing – specifies whether the file name should be added to the config dictionary if it is missing a ‘name’ field.
  • kwargs – forwarded to the extension-specific importer.
thelper.utils.lreplace(string, old_prefix, new_prefix)[source]

Replaces a single occurrence of old_prefix in the given string by new_prefix.


Migrates the content of an incompatible or outdated checkpoint to the current version of the framework.

This function might not be able to fix all backward compatibility issues (e.g. it cannot fix class interfaces that were changed). Perfect reproductibility of tests cannot be guaranteed either if this migration tool is used.

Parameters:ckptdata – checkpoint data in dictionary form obtained via thelper.utils.load_checkpoint. Note that the data contained in this dictionary will be modified in-place.
Returns:An updated checkpoint dictionary that should be compatible with the current version of the framework.
thelper.utils.migrate_config(config, cfg_ver_str)[source]

Migrates the content of an incompatible or outdated configuration to the current version of the framework.

This function might not be able to fix all backward compatibility issues (e.g. it cannot fix class interfaces that were changed). Perfect reproducibility of tests cannot be guaranteed either if this migration tool is used.

  • config – session configuration dictionary obtained e.g. by parsing a JSON file. Note that the data contained in this dictionary will be modified in-place.
  • cfg_ver_str – string representing the version for which the configuration was created (e.g. “0.2.0”).

An updated configuration dictionary that should be compatible with the current version of the framework.

thelper.utils.query_string(question, choices=None, default=None, allow_empty=False, bypass=None)[source]

Asks the user a question and returns the answer (a generic string).

  • question – the string that is presented to the user.
  • choices – a list of predefined choices that the user can pick from. If None, then whatever the user types will be accepted.
  • default – the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>. If None, then an answer is required to continue.
  • allow_empty – defines whether an empty answer should be accepted.
  • bypass – the returned value if the bypass_queries global variable is set to True. Can be None, in which case the function will throw an exception.

The string entered by the user.

thelper.utils.query_yes_no(question, default=None, bypass=None)[source]

Asks the user a yes/no question and returns the answer.

  • question – the string that is presented to the user.
  • default – the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>. It must be ‘yes’, ‘no’, or None (meaning an answer is required).
  • bypass – the option to select if the bypass_queries global variable is set to True. Can be None, in which case the function will throw an exception.

True for ‘yes’, or False for ‘no’ (or their respective variations).

thelper.utils.report_orion_results(session_runner: SessionRunner) → None[source]

Reports the results of a session runner, but only if the config allows it (true by default).

thelper.utils.reporthook(count, block_size, total_size)[source]

Report hook used to display a download progression bar when using urllib requests.


Class name resolver.

Takes a string corresponding to a module and class fullname to be imported with thelper.utils.import_class() and resolves any back compatibility issues related to renamed or moved classes.

Parameters:fullname – the fully qualified class name to be resolved.
Returns:The resolved class fullname.
thelper.utils.save_config(config, path, force_convert=True, as_json=False, **kwargs)[source]

Saves the given session/object configuration dictionary to the provided path.

The type of file that is created is based on the extension specified in the path. If the file cannot hold some of the objects within the configuration, they will be converted to strings before serialization, unless force_convert is set to False (in which case the function will raise an exception).

  • config – the session/object configuration dictionary to save.
  • path – the path specifying where to create the output file. The extension used will determine what type of backup to create (e.g. Pickle = .pkl, JSON = .json, YAML = .yml/.yaml). if as_json is True, then any specified extension will be preserved bump dumped as JSON.
  • force_convert – specifies whether non-serializable types should be converted if necessary.
  • as_json – specifies if an alternate extension should be considered as JSON format.
  • kwargs – forwarded to the extension-specific exporter.

Saves a list of all packages installed in the current environment to a log file.

Parameters:path – the path where the log file should be created.

Sets the matplotlib backend to Agg.


Parses the provided config for CUDNN flags and sets up PyTorch accordingly.


Parses the provided config for OpenCV flags and sets up its global state accordingly.


Parses the provided config for GDAL flags and sets up its global state accordingly.


Parses the provided config for global flags and sets up the global state accordingly.


Parses the provided config for matplotlib flags and sets up its global state accordingly.


Parses the provided config for PYTHON sys paths and sets up its global state accordingly.


Converts a string to a boolean.

If the lower case version of the provided string matches any of ‘true’, ‘1’, or ‘yes’, then the function returns True.


Returns a (WIDTH, HEIGHT) integer size tuple from a string formatted as ‘WxH’.

thelper.utils.stringify_confmat(confmat, class_list, hide_zeroes=False, hide_diagonal=False, hide_threshold=None)[source]

Transforms a confusion matrix array obtained in list or numpy format into a printable string.


Tests the availability of a single cuda device and returns its status.


Converts a list or PyTorch tensor to numpy. Does nothing if already a numpy array.