Source code for thelper.optim.eval

"""Evaluation classes/funcs module.

This module contains procedures used to evaluate models and prediction results on specific
tasks or datasets. These procedures may be used as part of metric classes (defined in
:mod:`thelper.optim.metrics`) or high-level debug/drawing utilities.
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union  # noqa: F401

import numpy as np
import torch

import thelper

[docs]@thelper.concepts.detection def compute_bbox_iou(bbox1, bbox2): # type: (thelper.tasks.detect.BoundingBox, thelper.tasks.detect.BoundingBox) -> float """Computes and returns the Intersection over Union (IoU) of two bounding boxes.""" assert isinstance(bbox1, and isinstance(bbox2,, \ "unexpected input bounding box types" bbox1_marg = 1 if bbox1.include_margin else 0 bbox2_marg = 1 if bbox2.include_margin else 0 intersection_width = min(bbox1.right + bbox1_marg, bbox2.right + bbox2_marg) - max(bbox1.left, bbox2.left) intersection_height = min(bbox1.bottom + bbox1_marg, bbox2.bottom + bbox2_marg) - max(, intersection_area = max(0, intersection_width) * max(0, intersection_height) return float(intersection_area / float(bbox1.area + bbox2.area - intersection_area))
[docs]@thelper.concepts.segmentation def compute_mask_iou(mask1, mask2, class_indices=None, dontcare=None): # type: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Union[List[int], np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], Optional[int]) -> Dict[int, float] """Computes and returns a map of Intersection over Union (IoU) scores for two segmentation masks.""" # untested as of 11/2019; needs utest! assert isinstance(mask1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(mask2, np.ndarray), "invalid mask type" assert mask1.shape == mask2.shape, "mismatched mask shapes" assert np.issubdtype(mask1.dtype, np.integer), "mask1 dtype should be integer" assert np.issubdtype(mask2.dtype, np.integer), "mask2 dtype should be integer" if not class_indices: class_indices = np.unique(np.stack([mask1, mask2])) assert isinstance(class_indices, (list, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)), "invalid class indices array type" iou_dict = {} for class_idx in class_indices: if dontcare is not None: target_c = np.logical_and(mask2 == class_idx, mask1 != dontcare) pred_c = np.logical_and(mask1 == class_idx, mask2 != dontcare) else: target_c = mask2 == class_idx pred_c = mask1 == class_idx intersection = np.logical_and(pred_c, target_c).sum() union = np.logical_or(pred_c, target_c).sum() if float(union) != 0.0: iou_dict[class_idx] = (float(intersection) / float(union)) else: iou_dict[class_idx] = 0.0 return iou_dict
[docs]@thelper.concepts.detection def compute_pascalvoc_metrics(pred_bboxes, gt_bboxes, task, iou_threshold=0.5, method="all-points"): """Computes the metrics used by the VOC Pascal 2012 challenge. This function is inspired from the 'Object Detection Metrics' repository of Rafael Padilla. See for more information. The original code is distributed under the MIT License, Copyright (c) 2018 Rafael Padilla. Args: pred_bboxes: list of bbox predictions generated by the model under evaluation. gt_bboxes: list of groundtruth bounding boxes defined by the dataset. task: task definition object that holds a vector of all class names. iou_threshold: Intersection Over Union (IOU) threshold for true/false positive classification. method: the evaluation method to use; can be the the latest & official PASCAL VOC toolkit approach ("all-points"), or the 11-point approach ("11-points") described in the original paper ("The PASCAL Visual Object Classes(VOC) Challenge"). Returns: A dictionary containing evaluation information and metrics for each class. Each entry contains: - ``precision``: array with the precision values; - ``recall``: array with the recall values; - ``AP``: average precision; - ``interpolated precision``: interpolated precision values; - ``interpolated recall``: interpolated recall values; - ``total positives``: total number of ground truth positives; - ``total TP``: total number of True Positive detections; - ``total FP``: total number of False Negative detections. """ assert isinstance(pred_bboxes, (list, np.ndarray)) and all([isinstance(b, for b in pred_bboxes]), \ "invalid predictions format (expected list of bounding box objects)" assert all([isinstance(bbox.confidence, float) and 0 <= bbox.confidence <= 1 for bbox in pred_bboxes]), \ "predicted bounding boxes must be provided with confidence values in [0,1]" assert all([bbox.image_id is not None for bbox in pred_bboxes]), "predicted bbox image id must be defined" assert isinstance(gt_bboxes, (list, np.ndarray)) and all([isinstance(b, for b in gt_bboxes]), \ "invalid input groundtruth format (expected list of bounding box objects)" assert all([bbox.image_id is not None for bbox in gt_bboxes]), "gt bbox image id must be defined" assert isinstance(task, thelper.tasks.Detection) and task.class_names, "invalid task object (should be detection)" assert 0 < iou_threshold <= 1, "invalid intersection over union value (should be in ]0,1])" assert method in ["all-points", "11-points"], "invalid method (should be 'all-points' or '11-points')" image_ids = list(set([bbox.image_id for bbox in pred_bboxes]) | set([bbox.image_id for bbox in gt_bboxes])) image_ids = {k: idx for idx, k in enumerate(image_ids)} gt_used_flags = [[[[bbox, False] for bbox in gt_bboxes if (((isinstance(bbox.class_id, int) and bbox.class_id == ci) or bbox.class_id == cn) and bbox.image_id == iid)] for iid in image_ids] for ci, cn in enumerate(task.class_names)] ret = {} for class_idx, class_name in enumerate(task.class_names): if task.background is not None and class_name == "background": continue curr_pred_bboxes = [bbox for bbox in pred_bboxes if (isinstance(bbox.class_id, int) and bbox.class_id == class_idx) or bbox.class_id == class_name] curr_pred_bboxes = sorted(curr_pred_bboxes, key=lambda bbox: bbox.confidence, reverse=True) true_positives = np.zeros(len(curr_pred_bboxes)) false_positives = np.zeros(len(curr_pred_bboxes)) for pred_bbox_idx, pred_bbox in enumerate(curr_pred_bboxes): curr_gt_bboxes = gt_used_flags[class_idx][image_ids[pred_bbox.image_id]] best_gt_bbox_idx, best_gt_bbox_iou = -1, float("-inf") for gt_bbox_idx, (gt_bbox, gt_bbox_flag) in enumerate(curr_gt_bboxes): iou = compute_bbox_iou(pred_bbox, gt_bbox) if iou > best_gt_bbox_iou: best_gt_bbox_iou = iou best_gt_bbox_idx = gt_bbox_idx if best_gt_bbox_iou >= iou_threshold: curr_best_gt_bbox_used_flag = curr_gt_bboxes[best_gt_bbox_idx][1] if not curr_best_gt_bbox_used_flag: true_positives[pred_bbox_idx] = 1 # we can only use GT bboxes once, flag them as 'seen' after that curr_gt_bboxes[best_gt_bbox_idx][1] = True else: # if best GT bbox was already used, we discard this detection # (note: we could do some combinatorial optim w/ hungarian method to solve ideally instead) false_positives[pred_bbox_idx] = 1 else: # if we fail to meet the minimum iou threshold, discard this detection false_positives[pred_bbox_idx] = 1 true_positive_cumsum = np.cumsum(true_positives) npos = sum([len(bboxes) for bboxes in gt_used_flags[class_idx]]) recall = true_positive_cumsum / npos precision = np.divide(true_positive_cumsum, (np.cumsum(false_positives) + true_positive_cumsum)) avg_prec, mpre, mrec, _ = compute_average_precision(precision.tolist(), recall.tolist(), method) ret[class_name] = { "class_name": class_name, "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "eval_method": method, "precision": precision, "recall": recall, "AP": avg_prec, "interpolated precision": mpre, "interpolated recall": mrec, "total positives": npos, "total TP": np.sum(true_positives), "total FP": np.sum(false_positives) } return ret
[docs]@thelper.concepts.detection def compute_average_precision(precision, recall, method="all-points"): """Computes the average precision given an array of precision and recall values. This function is inspired from the 'Object Detection Metrics' repository of Rafael Padilla. See for more information. The original code is distributed under the MIT License, Copyright (c) 2018 Rafael Padilla. Args: precision: list of precision values for the evaluated predictions of a class. recall: list of recall values for the evaluated predictions of a class. method: the evaluation method to use; can be the the latest & official PASCAL VOC toolkit approach ("all-points"), or the 11-point approach ("11-points") described in the original paper ("The PASCAL Visual Object Classes(VOC) Challenge"). Returns: A 4-element tuple containing the average precision, rectified precision/recall arrays, and the indices used for the integral. """ assert isinstance(precision, list) and all([0 <= p <= 1 for p in precision]) assert isinstance(recall, list) and all([0 <= r <= 1 for r in recall]) assert method in ["all-points", "11-points"] if method == "all-points": mprecision = [0, *precision, 0] # pad with extrema # run backwards through precision values, eliminate ridges for idx in range(len(mprecision) - 1, 0, -1): mprecision[idx - 1] = max(mprecision[idx - 1], mprecision[idx]) mrecall = [0, *recall, 1] # pad with extrema # eliminate duplicates idxs = [idx + 1 for idx in range(len(mrecall) - 1) if mrecall[1:][idx] != mrecall[0:-1][idx]] avg_prec = 0 # compute integral (AUC) for idx in idxs: avg_prec = avg_prec + np.sum((mrecall[idx] - mrecall[idx - 1]) * mprecision[idx]) return avg_prec, mprecision[0:len(mprecision) - 1], mrecall[0:len(mprecision) - 1], idxs else: mprecision = [*precision] rho_interp, recall_val_id = [], [] for r in np.linspace(0, 1, 11)[::-1]: ridxs = np.argwhere(np.asarray(recall) >= r) rho_interp.append(max(mprecision[ridxs.min():]) if ridxs.size != 0 else 0) recall_val_id.append(r) avg_prec = sum(rho_interp) / 11 rvals = [recall_val_id[0], *recall_val_id, 0] pvals = [0, *rho_interp, 0] cc = [] for i in range(len(rvals)): p = (rvals[i], pvals[i - 1]) if p not in cc: cc.append(p) p = (rvals[i], pvals[i]) if p not in cc: cc.append(p) return [avg_prec, [i[1] for i in cc], [i[0] for i in cc], None]