Source code for thelper.tasks.regr

"""Regression task interface module.

This module contains a class that defines the objectives of models/trainers for regression tasks.
import logging
from typing import Optional  # noqa: F401

import numpy as np

import thelper.concepts
import thelper.utils
from thelper.tasks.utils import Task

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@thelper.concepts.regression class Regression(Task): """Interface for n-dimension regression tasks. This specialization requests that when given an input tensor, the trained model should provide an n-dimensional target prediction. This is a fairly generic task that (unlike image classification and semantic segmentation) is not linked to a pre-existing set of possible solutions. The task interface is used to carry useful metadata for this task, e.g. input/output shapes, types, and min/max values for rounding/saturation. Attributes: input_shape: a numpy-compatible shape to expect model inputs to be in. target_shape: a numpy-compatible shape to expect the predictions to be in. target_type: a numpy-compatible type to cast the predictions to (if needed). target_min: an n-dim tensor containing minimum target values (if applicable). target_max: an n-dim tensor containing maximum target values (if applicable). input_key: the key used to fetch input tensors from a sample dictionary. target_key: the key used to fetch target (groundtruth) values from a sample dictionary. meta_keys: the list of extra keys provided by the data parser inside each sample. .. seealso:: | :class:`thelper.tasks.utils.Task` | :class:`thelper.train.regr.RegressionTrainer` | :class:`thelper.tasks.regr.SuperResolution` | :class:`thelper.tasks.detect.Detection` """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_key, target_key, meta_keys=None, input_shape=None, target_shape=None, target_type=None, target_min=None, target_max=None): """Receives and stores the keys produced by the dataset parser(s).""" super(Regression, self).__init__(input_key, target_key, meta_keys) self.input_shape = input_shape self.target_shape = target_shape self.target_type = target_type self.target_min = target_min self.target_max = target_max if self.target_type is not None: assert not isinstance(self.target_min, np.ndarray) or self.target_min.dtype == self.target_type, \ "invalid target min dtype" assert not isinstance(self.target_max, np.ndarray) or self.target_max.dtype == self.target_type, \ "invalid target max dtype" if self.target_shape is not None: assert not isinstance(self.target_min, np.ndarray) or self.target_min.shape == self.target_shape, \ "invalid target min shape" assert not isinstance(self.target_max, np.ndarray) or self.target_max.shape == self.target_shape, \ "invalid target max shape" if isinstance(self.target_min, np.ndarray) and isinstance(self.target_max, np.ndarray): assert self.target_min.shape == self.target_max.shape, "target min/max shape mismatch"
@property def input_shape(self): """Returns the shape of the input tensors to be processed by the model.""" return self._input_shape @input_shape.setter def input_shape(self, input_shape): """Sets the shape of the input tensors to be processed by the model.""" if input_shape is not None: if isinstance(input_shape, list): input_shape = tuple(input_shape) assert isinstance(input_shape, tuple) and all([isinstance(v, int) for v in input_shape]), \ "unexpected input shape type (should be tuple of integers)" self._input_shape = input_shape @property def target_shape(self): """Returns the shape of the output tensors to be generated by the model.""" return self._target_shape @target_shape.setter def target_shape(self, target_shape): """Sets the shape of the output tensors to be generated by the model.""" if target_shape is not None: if isinstance(target_shape, list): target_shape = tuple(self.target_shape) assert isinstance(target_shape, tuple) and all([isinstance(v, int) for v in target_shape]), \ "unexpected target shape type (should be tuple of integers)" self._target_shape = target_shape @property def target_type(self): """Returns the type of the output tensors to be generated by the model.""" return self._target_type @target_type.setter def target_type(self, target_type): """Sets the type of the output tensors to be generated by the model.""" if target_type is not None: if isinstance(target_type, str): import thelper.utils target_type = thelper.utils.import_class(target_type) assert issubclass(target_type, np.generic), "target type should be a numpy-compatible type" self._target_type = target_type @property def target_min(self): """Returns the minimum target value(s) to be generated by the model.""" return self._target_min @target_min.setter def target_min(self, target_min): """Sets the minimum target value(s) to be generated by the model.""" if target_min is not None: if isinstance(target_min, (list, tuple)): target_min = np.asarray(target_min) assert isinstance(target_min, np.ndarray), "target_min should be passed as list/tuple/ndarray" self._target_min = target_min @property def target_max(self): """Returns the maximum target value(s) to be generated by the model.""" return self._target_max @target_max.setter def target_max(self, target_max): """Sets the maximum target value(s) to be generated by the model.""" if target_max is not None: if isinstance(target_max, (list, tuple)): target_max = np.asarray(target_max) assert isinstance(target_max, np.ndarray), "target_max should be passed as list/tuple/ndarray" self._target_max = target_max
[docs] def check_compat(self, task, exact=False): # type: (Regression, Optional[bool]) -> bool """Returns whether the current task is compatible with the provided one or not. This is useful for sanity-checking, and to see if the inputs/outputs of two models are compatible. If ``exact = True``, all fields will be checked for exact (perfect) compatibility (in this case, matching meta keys). """ if isinstance(task, Regression): # if both tasks are related to regression: all non-None keys and specs must match return (self.input_key == task.input_key and (self.gt_key is None or task.gt_key is None or self.gt_key == task.gt_key) and (self.input_shape is None or task.input_shape is None or self.input_shape == task.input_shape) and (self.target_shape is None or task.target_shape is None or self.target_shape == task.target_shape) and (self.target_type is None or task.target_type is None or self.target_type == task.target_type) and (self.target_min is None or task.target_min is None or self.target_min == task.target_min) and (self.target_max is None or task.target_max is None or self.target_max == task.target_max) and (not exact or (set(self.meta_keys) == set(task.meta_keys) and self.gt_key == task.gt_key and self.input_shape == task.input_shape and self.target_shape == task.target_shape and self.target_type == task.target_type and self.target_min == task.target_min and self.target_max == task.target_max))) elif type(task) == Task: # if 'task' simply has no gt, compatibility rests on input key only return not exact and self.input_key == task.input_key and task.gt_key is None return False
[docs] def get_compat(self, task): """Returns a task instance compatible with the current task and the given one.""" # currently not checking for input/target param intersections between similar regression tasks assert self.check_compat(task), f"cannot create compatible task between:\n\t{str(self)}\n\t{str(task)}" meta_keys = list(set(self.meta_keys + task.meta_keys)) return Regression(input_key=self.input_key, target_key=self.gt_key, meta_keys=meta_keys, input_shape=self.input_shape if self.input_shape is not None else task.input_shape, target_shape=self.target_shape if self.target_shape is not None else task.target_shape, target_type=self.target_type if self.target_type is not None else task.target_type, target_min=self.target_min if self.target_min is not None else task.target_min, target_max=self.target_max if self.target_max is not None else task.target_max)
def __repr__(self): """Creates a print-friendly representation of a segmentation task.""" return self.__class__.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__qualname__ + \ f"(input_key={repr(self.input_key)}, target_key={repr(self.gt_key)}, " + \ f"meta_keys={repr(self.meta_keys)}, input_shape={repr(self.input_shape)}, " + \ f"target_shape={repr(self.target_shape)}, target_type={repr(self.target_type)}, " + \ f"target_min={repr(self.target_min)}, target_max={repr(self.target_max)})"
[docs]@thelper.concepts.regression class SuperResolution(Regression): """Interface for super-resolution tasks. This specialization requests that when given an input tensor, the trained model should provide an identically-shape target prediction that essentially contains more (or more adequate) high-frequency spatial components. This specialized regression interface is currently used to help display functions. Attributes: input_shape: a numpy-compatible shape to expect model inputs/outputs to be in. target_type: a numpy-compatible type to cast the predictions to (if needed). target_min: an n-dim tensor containing minimum target values (if applicable). target_max: an n-dim tensor containing maximum target values (if applicable). input_key: the key used to fetch input tensors from a sample dictionary. target_key: the key used to fetch target (groundtruth) values from a sample dictionary. meta_keys: the list of extra keys provided by the data parser inside each sample. .. seealso:: | :class:`thelper.tasks.utils.Task` | :class:`thelper.tasks.regr.Regression` | :class:`thelper.train.regr.RegressionTrainer` """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_key, target_key, meta_keys=None, input_shape=None, target_type=None, target_min=None, target_max=None): """Receives and stores the keys produced by the dataset parser(s).""" super(SuperResolution, self).__init__(input_key, target_key, meta_keys, input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=input_shape, target_type=target_type, target_min=target_min, target_max=target_max)